Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Breath

I watch the IN breath and I say in my mind, "arising". I watch the OUT breath, saying in my mind, "passing". I watch each IN breath and I watch each OUT breath. (Seems pretty boring, I know.) I keep watching. I notice there is something at the end of my OUT breath -- no breath. Just nothing. But I don't die or anything. I'm just not breathing in or out, either one. I keep watching each breath. Usually, the IN breath seems kinda short. The out breath seems very long, and then it is trailed by this long "no breath" thing. Then I see something I don't know how to describe without sounding weird, but I don't care if I sound weird: I see that the IN breath and the OUT breath, are not separate. They are one breath. They are like a circle. And somehow I see that this circle is like the very life I am living each moment. One minute I may be happy (IN breath), the next instant I am angry (OUT breath) and usually I am angry because the thing that made me happy is absent. Or one day I am in the midst of funk -- life is the worst ever. The next day, my life is a pinnacle, very pleasant. The instant I am happy, I can look at that happiness and know that it will pass. And, too, one moment I can be very angry, and I can look at anger and know that the next instant or two later, the anger will be replaced with some other thought or grasping desire or planning. All arising and passing phenomenon. All thoughts in the mind.


Blogger Fleur de Bee said...


Howdy. Didn't know you had a blog until I just read and posted on your sista's!

She has strict orders to bring along some of your music when we go to LA! I am excited to listen!!

Take care and drop me a comment sometime.


3/17/2006 3:08 AM  
Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

BTW I am OUT of breath just reading this post LOL

3/17/2006 3:09 AM  
Blogger DariaMcBee said...

Hay b-girlie,

Thanks for dropping by - you silly "out of breath" thing. I just posted on your myspace page and you might be mad at me now, cause I described you as gassy. But boy did I have a huge laugh when I saw that word publish. I bad.

I might have to give you a different CD to take to LA, tho, seriously. I'm currently working on a better sound quality CD.

Well, that's all the breath I have for these 2 minutes and I'm off to some other web site to nose my way around.


3/17/2006 9:59 PM  

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