Sunday, February 05, 2006


Yesterday, as I was taking a walk, I observed a dog surge into an open field of grass and I saw desire embodied in the dog. His small body was driven by the desire to taste, smell, feel, hear, and satiate sense desire. He was the pure essence of desire, lust, exuberance, hunger, curiousity, excitement...


Blogger JLee said...

I love your blog! I hope you don't mind me reading it?? Let me know if you want it to remain private. I loved this particular post. :)

2/07/2006 10:21 AM  
Blogger JLee said...

let me know if you want to be linked from mine. I have your myspace one, but I can add this if you want.

2/07/2006 10:22 AM  
Blogger DariaMcBee said...

Hey Girlfriend!

Thanks for coming in. I don't mind you reading my blog at all. Feel free to share, too.

I do think I want my blog to be a specific area to communicate with those who are practicing meditation, but the door is open to all. No need for you to put a link from your blog to mine since you already have my myspace link, and I think peeps can click on my name if they are curious about my blog here.

What does "died in the wool" mean?
Ipizudic, all I can say is, we are sisters, yes. And we look exactly the same. Hee. Well, kinda exactly the same... well pretty much, sorta, not quite.

Blessings~ Daria

2/07/2006 9:13 PM  
Blogger Javier said...

Hi Daria!!

I am Jlee's friend and I saw you at her blog.
can I read your blog?

2/08/2006 5:13 AM  
Blogger DariaMcBee said...

Read away, Javier! Welcome. Come in and put your feet up. Here is a cup of fine Darjeeling tea for you to sip while you read... :0)

2/08/2006 10:16 AM  
Blogger Javier said...


2/08/2006 3:57 PM  
Blogger JLee said...

I think the expression is "dyed in the wool"?

2/09/2006 9:40 PM  
Blogger DariaMcBee said...

This past week I saw my desire flare up everyday. I watched it spark into a small fire, and then become dowsed by phenomenon. I let the desire go. It went away. Desire flared up again the next day, only to be dowsed again. I let the desire go. It ebbed away. The next day the desire was satiated. The very next day, desire was back with the same intensity as each of the previous days.

What I did observe this week, is an abiding thing that was always present beneath all the grasping after my sense desire. There was still this abiding love inspite of the grasping. Tho I wasn't receiving what I desired, I still felt love. I saw how I lose a lot of energy chasing after the object of my desire and cause myself a lot of anguish, as well.

So, I am back to the floor, on my butt, breathing in, breathing out. All passing phenomenon -- arising, passing.

2/10/2006 10:23 PM  
Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

You know I actually practiced Meditation when dancing. It was amazing and really helped me execute my steps. I was at a loss when I didn't do it before a performance. Amazing. I also did it right before I had my baby but that didn't stop the 38 hours of hell...mother nature and my body did LOL.

3/17/2006 3:11 AM  
Blogger DariaMcBee said...

Hey Bgirl,

I didn't notice your post here until today.

So, what kind of meditation did you do before you danced? Did you focus on your breathing or chant something or just get still. In what way did it help your performance as a ballerina? Why do you think it stopped working when you were delivering your baby? Just curiousity on my part. Hope you are having a fun vacation. :0)

3/20/2006 10:27 AM  

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