Monday, January 23, 2006

A Space Below Thought

I sit in repose. I recite in my mind,"Arising" as I breathe in. "Passing" as I breathe out.

I watch thoughts passing through my mind. I see my awareness follow after one thought and then I even see my awareness hunt for my favorite thoughts. I see how I tangle up in a thought and the thought becomes my body in the form of a pain in the area I call "back" or "stomach", a hunger sensation, or a desire to feel warmer sensations on my skin.

I observe that below all thought is a space -- a wide open space of just simple pure awareness. Inside of this awareness is knowing. I sometimes touch that still space, and then the thoughts begin again to think themselves and bombard awareness, and there goes the chase after thoughts again, and the attachment to favorite thoughts. It really is a soap opera sometimes.

So I keep on sitting and watching. Sometimes there is a silence so still I fear I'll fall into an abyss of nothingness -- fear of being fully relaxed. All passing phenomenon...


Blogger DariaMcBee said...

I saw it. I saw how meditating evens out karma. A negative thot floating up, I watched it, it evaporated and it was gone. I continued to sit. More thots came, more thots floated away and I was in the still place, with no karma sticking to me.

2/07/2006 10:12 AM  
Blogger DariaMcBee said...

Arjuna: O Krishna, the stillness of divine union which you describe is beyond my comprehension. How can the mind, which is so restless, attain lasting peace? Krishna, the mind is restless, turbulent, powerful, violent, trying to control it is like trying to tame the wind.

Sri Krishna: It is true that the mind is restless and difficult to control. But it can be conquered, Arjuna, through regular practice and detachment. Those who lack self-control will find it difficult to progress in meditation; but those who are self-controlled, striving earnestly through the right means, will attain the goal.

-Bhagavad Gita 6:33-36

2/08/2006 10:11 AM  
Blogger DariaMcBee said...

In the city of Brahman is a secret dwelling, the lotus of the heart. Within this dwelling is a space, and within that space is the fulfillment
of our desires. What is within that space should be longed for and realized.

-Chandogya Upanishad

6/23/2006 1:33 PM  

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