Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Insight Discussion

In my meditation the other day I saw how desiring other people to share insights with me in this blog is just mind wanting to think again. All these thoughts I've written in this blog are thoughts taking up space, mind thinking, thoughts thinking themselves. I guess it's a good place to put the thoughts, so they are not taking up the space in my head.

I also had a realization in a med recently that I never wrote because judging mind kept it off the page. It was a realization of how God comes to you when you meditate. It's not like God comes to you because you are meditating (or whatever people do that brings them close to God/divinity). It's more like a realization when one is in that quiet space of no thought, that I dwell within God all the time in every moment. I'm moving and having my being inside of God substance all the time, but when my mind is crowded with thoughts of wanting, needing, revulsion, and aversion, I'm not aware of my oneness with God.

My concept of "God" is the whole universe - the substance of all that exists. I don't believe there is a separate entity that we call "God". I am living in the substance all the time, but I may or may not be aware I am a part of it when I am worrying about getting money so I can buy food. My fear thoughts about my body prevent me from being aware of my oneness with the universe. When I'm so in fear of not having enough for my body, and the fear causes me to chase after the needs of my body, I forget to remain silent in the trust that the universe is beneficient and nurturing, and my body will always have enough.