Friday, October 06, 2006

Creative Thought

I don't know if this is the appropriate place for this commentary, but I'm not motivated to start a new blog at this time, so I'll just slip it in here.

I claim no religion. I do have beliefs. One belief is that our thoughts create. The premise for this is in the law of sowing and reaping or karma, if you will. What my thoughts focus on, is what I attract into my life. If I focus on things I have aversion for, these things will appear in my life. If I focus on joy, this too, will manifest in my life. My thoughts always seems to reap what they sow.

Meditation allows thoughts to pass by and not stick anywhere. When I see myself attaching to a thought or an event in my life, I watch it, note the feelings or sensations it brings; perhaps there is some desire for it, or aversion... and then I just let it pass. So, to me it makes sense that I can participate in creating, along with God, the universe or whatever the thing is that manifests things and events in our lives. I can focus my thoughts on what I intend to create. I see myself happy, thin, prosperous... Then I let the thought go out into the void, or out to God/Universe. It is surprising how many times the thing I see comes back even better than how I envisioned it. This is the basis for affirmative prayer. And this is why I have been affirming the prayer (below -- Campaign for Consciousness) for the children of Africa.

I think it was Freud who theorized that there is a collective consciousness. If this is so, then the more souls who focus thoughts on positive things, wouldn't it make sense that the collective consciousness would create more positive things? But the outward appearance at this time, is that our collective consc. is manifesting fear thoughts: wars, disease, poverty...

In one aspect, fear can be very stimulating - it is dramatic. It can also be destructive. Fear is just a thought about the future. Fear goes nowhere, does nothing, has no power outside of the power we assign it. We can simply let it go now, collectively. I choose to let it go. I think I can see why someone wrote this scripture now:

"Finally Brothers, whatever is noble... right... pure... lovely... admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things." Phillipians 4:8 NIV