Monday, September 11, 2006

Campaign for Consciousness Affirmation Statement*

We believe in a better life for the children of Africa who are perfectly created in the image of the divine. We identify the children of Africa with health and vitality of mind, body and spirit - the exact image of the divine.

As the universe is vast and unlimited, there can be nothing like limitation, known or unknown, which would obstruct all good from flowing to and through the children of Africa. Together, we erase all false opinions that there are not enough resources. Right here, right now, we discontinue fueling thoughts of lack, sadness or limitation. And our eyes tune in to seeing all the vast abundance right here in front of us each moment.

We now affirm the children of Africa are a radiating magnet, mighty to attract all good to and through them in every moment. There is more than enough passion, policy and prosperity to demonstrate this vision. We see the Living Spirit of wisdom manifesting in their lives in this very moment. Amen.

*my personal version